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Welcome to Cowcarbon 1.5 Platform

Cowcarbon 1.5 Platform is the first global solution to monitor beef carbon emissions via bio big data.
Farmers can reduce the greenhouse gas footprint of their herds, earn extra income,
and make a positive impact on the environment by implementing a combination of sustainable farming practices
and monitoring individual cattleā€™s GHG emissions.
Monitoring GHG footprints at the individual animal level can help to identify the most efficient
and effective ways to reduce emissions on a farm such as through improved feed management,
manure management system, potentially leading to increased profitability and sustainability.

Who we are Melliens

We are a climate tech company that generates carbon credits by monitoring the carbon footprints of beef cattle,
which we then sell on the voluntary carbon credit market.
Melliens is a company that is on a mission to provide a solution to cattle emissions.
Melliens offers a proprietary carbon credit generation and trading platform based on big data
and animal biotechnology research.
Our cutting-edge technology has been created through over a decade of extensive scientific research.

History of Cowcarbon Platform

We have researched big data and animal biotechnology, specifically the design of algorithms,
low-carbon beef production methods
and the use of bioinformatics to test and verify beef with low-carbon emissions.
We have successfully developed original technologies for a beef carbon emission monitoring platform
to achieve global goal in the areas of climate change and offset GHG emissions from cattle.

Melliens: Based on 10 Years of Research and Preparation
  • 2011-2014
    • A Study on the Genetic Characteristics and Information of Cattle Genome Variation
    • A Study on the Comparative Genomics between Hanwoo and Oversea Varieties
  • 2015-2017
    • Development of a Livestock Genome Selection Model
    • Genomic Selection Reference Group and DB Construction
  • 2018-2020
    • Development of Automation programs for the Evaluation of Korean Cattle Genetic Capacity
    • Investigation of Genetic Resources in Africa to Respond to Climate Crisis
  • 2021-2022
    • Start Melliens Business Corporation
    • Open CowCarbon Platform website
    • Venture Business Certification
    • ISO 9001:2015 (Quality), ISO 14001:2015 (Environment) Certification
    • Become a Member of GRSB (Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef)
  • 2023
    • CES 2023 Exhibitor / Cowcarbon Platform showcase
    • Registration of a Patent for Low-carbon Beef Certification and System
    • Implement National Low-carbon Beef Certification
    • Start Service for Low-carbon Beef Cattle Production